Argus Search, Inc.  Commentary:

October, 2004


Hello, Colleague.   Our newsletter is an on-going service designed to continue to educate the business community to combat the threats of negligent hiring, workplace violence, and other human resource issues that arise in our business world today.  At times, however, we also discuss current events and issues. 


As we all know, it is very important to support our country, and our freedoms, that so many have fought and died for.  In order to keep our rights, we have the honor and privilege of voting.  Below is a minute of comic relief should America decide to stay home and not vote! 







Taking Back The Colony


In the light of your failure to elect anybody as President of the USA, thus to govern yourselves, by extension of the free world, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective today! Her Sovereign Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, will resume monarchial duties over all states, commonwealths and other territories including New Jersey.  To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, please comply with the following acts:

1. Learn at least the first 4 lines of "God Save The Queen".
2. Start referring to "soccer" as football.
3. Close down the NFL. Learn to play rugby.
4. Enjoy warm flat beer and steak and kidney pudding. Train waitresses to be more aggressive with customers and not    to tell you their names before you eat.
5.  July 4th is no longer a public holiday, this has been replaced with November 5th.
6.  All members of this British Crown Dependency will be required to take 6 weeks annual vacation and observe statutory tea breaks.
7.  Driving on the left is now compulsory - recall all cars to effect the change immediately.
8. Add the Royal insignia to the top of the Washington Monument.

9.  Add the Queens Christmas speeches to the Lincoln Memorial.
9.  Tax collectors from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all revenues due (backdated to 1776).


Thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day!




Are you a Landlord? Be sure to check out your new tenants with our eviction searches and credit reports. 


If you like those $2000 eviction costs, please don’t use us!




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As always, we appreciate all the Employers, Recruiters, And Human Resource Professionals who have moved over to Argus Search, and we look forward to continuing to serve you.

We welcome all new clients now and in the future.







Argus Search, Inc. sends newsletters to our clients and others with connections we’ve met over the years that are affiliated with BOMA, ASIS, International Trade Shows, Chambers of Commerce, Restaurant Associations, Retail Associations, Staffing Associations, business associates, and friends, who have also expressed interest an in receiving this information.


Copyright © 2004 Argus Search, Inc., 18303 E. Corbin Place, Spokane, WA 99212. All rights reserved.